Terms in this Policy are defined as follows:
a) Abuse – Includes Psychological Maltreatment, Physical Maltreatment, Neglect, and/or Grooming of Vulnerable Participants (each as defined in the Universal Code
of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport, UCCMS, and as amended from time to time by the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, SDRCC) and
which can have the following warning signs:
i. Recurrent unexplained injuries
ii. Alert behaviour; individual seems to always be expecting something bad to happen
iii. Often wears clothing that covers up their skin, even in warm weather
iv. Individual startles easily, shies away from touch or shows other skittish behaviour
v. Constantly seems fearful or anxious about doing something wrong
vi. Withdrawn from peers and adults
vii. Behaviour fluctuates between extremes (e.g., extremely cooperative or extremely demanding)
viii. Acting inappropriately younger than their age (like an infant; throwing tantrums)
ix. Acting out in an inappropriate sexual way with toys or objects
x. Self-harm (e.g., cutting, burning or other harmful activities)
xi. Not wanting to be alone with a particular individual
b) Athlete – An individual who is subject to the policies of Calgary Ski Club, and who may also be subject to the policies of Nordiq Alberta, Nordiq Canada and the
Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (“UCCMS”)
c) Case Manager – An individual appointed by the Independent Third Party to administer complaints that are assessed under Process #2 of this Policy. This individual must not be in a conflict of interest. The Independent Third Party may serve as the Case Manager
d) Complainant – A Participant or observer who makes a report of an incident, or a suspected incident, of Prohibited Behaviour, Maltreatment, or other behaviour that
is a violation of the standards described in the Code of Conduct and Ethics
e) External Discipline Panel – A Panel of one or three people who are appointed by the Independent Third Party to handle complaints that are assessed under Process #2 of this Policy. Panel members should not be affiliated with Calgary Ski Club
f) Event – An event sanctioned by Calgary Ski Club, and which may include a social Event
g) Harassment – A course of vexatious comment or conduct against a Participant or group, which is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Types of
behaviour that constitute Harassment include, but are not limited to:
i. Written or verbal abuse, threats, or outbursts;
ii. Persistent unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, or taunts;
iii. Racial harassment, which is racial slurs, jokes, name calling, or insulting behaviour or terminology that reinforces stereotypes or discounts abilities because of racial or ethnic origin;
iv. Leering or other suggestive or obscene gestures;
v. Condescending or patronizing behaviour which is intended to undermine self-esteem, diminish performance or adversely affect working conditions;
vi. Practical jokes which endanger a person’s safety, or may negatively affect performance;
vii. Hazing – which is any form of conduct which exhibits any potentially humiliating, degrading, abusive, or dangerous activity expected of a junior-ranking individual by a more senior individual, which does not contribute to either individual’s positive development, but is required to be accepted as part of a team or group, regardless of the junior-ranking individual’s willingness to participate. This includes, but is not limited to, any activity, no matter how traditional or seemingly benign, that sets apart or alienates any teammate or group member based on class, number of years on the team or with the group, or ability; viii. Unwanted physical contact including, but not limited to, touching, petting, pinching, or kissing;
ix. Deliberately excluding or socially isolating a person from a group or team;
x. Persistent sexual flirtations, advances, requests, or invitations;
xi. Physical or sexual assault;
xii. Contributing to a poisoned sport environment, which can include:
a. Locations where material that is discriminatory is displayed (e.g., sexually explicit posters and racial/racist cartoons)
b. Groups where harassing behaviour is part of the normal course of activities
c. Behaviour that causes embarrassment, awkwardness, endangers a person’s safety or negatively affects performance.
i. Behaviours such as those described above that are not directed towards a specific person or group but have the same effect of creating a negative or hostile environment; and
ii. Retaliation or threats of retaliation against a person who reports harassment to Nordiq Canada, Nordiq Alberta or Calgary Ski Club
h) Independent Third Party – An independent individual (or individuals) appointed by Nordiq Canada and Nordiq Alberta to receive and assess complaints, including
complaints under this Policy. The Independent Third Party designated by Nordiq Canada is specified on the SafeSport page of the Nordiq Canada website
i) Internal Discipline Chair – An individual appointed by the Independent Third Party to handle complaints that are assessed under Process #1 of this Policy. The Internal
Discipline Chair may be a Director, head coach, staff member, or other individual affiliated with Calgary Ski Club but must not be in a conflict of interest
j) Maltreatment – As defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the SDRCC
k) Minor – As defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the SDRCC
l) OSIC – The Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner, an independent division of the SDRCC, which comprises the functions of the Sport Integrity Commissioner; also referred to as Abuse-Free Sport
m) Parties – The affected persons or groups involved with a dispute
n) Participants – Refers to all categories of individual Members and/or Registrants as defined in the By-laws of Calgary Ski Club who are subject to the policies of Calgary Ski Club, as well as all people employed by, contracted by, or engaged in activities with Calgary Ski Club including, but not limited to, employees, contractors, Athletes, coaches, instructors, officials, volunteers, managers, administrators, committee members, parents or guardians, spectators, directors or officers
o) Person in Authority – Any Participant who holds a position of authority within Calgary Ski Club including, but not limited to, coaches, instructors, officials, managers, support personnel, chaperones, committee members, directors or officers
p) Power Imbalance – As defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the SDRCC
q) Respondent – The Party responding to the complaint
r) SDRCC – The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada
s) UCCMS – The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport, as amended from time to time by the SDRCC
t) UCCMS Participant – A Participant affiliated with Nordiq Canada, as designated by Nordiq Canada, and who has signed the required consent form. For Nordiq Canada, UCCMS Participants Include:
xii. Board members
xiii. Employees
xiv. Contract staff
xv. Service providers who enter the national team environment
xvi. High Performance Committee members
xvii. Voting jury members
xviii. Master learning facilitators
xix. National team athletes
xx. Athletes
xxi. Staff and mentees who participate in national camps and/or competition trips
u) Vulnerable Participant – As defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the SDRCC