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Welcome to the CSC Mobile App

To use mobile features on your computer, click on Chat or Direct Messaging on the main menu bar.  You must be logged in and have downloaded and set up the mobile app to enable these features on your computer.

Jan 2025: App Update 

Finally, our new App is ready!  It is designed to let you chat with other members to arrange impromptu outings by interests.

In the past, we have relied on our Event Calendar and limited use of a WhatsApp community to arrange events. While we will continue to use our Event Calendar for more structured events, our app will allow members to chat in groups or direct message each other to arrange less formal outings. 

The App offers advantages over the WhatsApp group in that our Event Hosts now have the option to notify members about events via the App and set up group chats for registrants of an event.

It is our intention to move as many members as possible to the App over the spring and summer and wind down our WhatsApp Community.

Please download and set up your app when you have a moment.  Keep in mind, the app is new, and we will be enhancing and working out any bugs as we go.  We are still testing a few functions. 

Installing and activating your App

To load the App, go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Search Club Express App and download it. The example to the right is from the Google Play Store.  Apple will be similar.  Look for this symbol.

Open the app and sign in using the email associated with your membership and password.  Note that you must use the email associated with Club Express and not your login ID.


In the app, go to the bottom right and open ‘your info’. Then go to ‘edit profile settings’ and ‘Mobile App'. 


Click on the first link to set your optional channels. See Selecting Channels below.

Once you have your channels selected, click the second link to set your picture and set a default channel that will come up when you open the app.  Click on save, and you will be ready to go.

Of course, you may change your default channel at any time or opt-out of notifications. You may also change your setting via your profile on the website.

To receive a notification dot or chime on your phone, you must go to your phone settings to activate the settings.  Usually that is some like Setting> Notifications> App notifications> then turn on the notification for Club Express.  Your phone may be a little different.


Channels (groups of members with similar interests)

The mobile app is built around "channels".  Once set up on the app, members have options on their Profile to manage the channels available to them.

Selecting Channels
In the app, go to the bottom right and open ‘your info’. Then go to ‘edit profile settings’ and ‘Mobile App. Select the 'click here' to view or change Channel memberships.

You will see three types of Channels - an example is on the right.

Automatic Channels
:  These are channels you cannot opt out of, but you may use the pencil icon to hide the channel and uncheck Chat notifications.

Optional Channels:
These are channels you have opted into.  To opt-out, click on the power button icon   to remove them.  They will still appear but will be in Available channels, if you change your mind. The pencil icon gives the option to hide channel and allow or not allow notifications.

Available Channels: These are channels that are available to you.  To access them, tap the power button icon, and they will move up to your optional channels where you can use the pencil to allow notifications.

Channel privacy is strictly enforced. Members will only see the channels that they have access to. A club could have a hundred channels, but if a member only has access to five, they won't know the others exist. Channel data is not available to non-members.

Using the APP
Your default channel will appear at the top of your screen.  Click on the hamburger menu to access the chat for that channel.
To change channels, use the Channels icon at the bottom of the screen. Then use the hamburger menu at the top to access the chat.

Other functions like direct messaging are available through the hamburger menu

Channel-based Features

Once members login, they select a channel from a popup list, and then they have access to five special functions that are channel-based:

  • Chat - This is a live chat function similar to those provided by Facebook, WhatsApp, Slack and other platforms, but limited to the members of a specific channel. Chat displays messages posted by channel members.  Messages include the member's Name, avatar or initials and the date/time posted. Messages are up to 500 characters plus an image, external link, or links to an event or poll. Members get notifications whenever new messages are posted to a channel chat. 

  • Directory - Shows a list of channel members, allowing members to look each other up. This function respects the visibility settings defined on the website. It also integrates with email, texting, and calling on the user's mobile device.

  • Events - This is a calendar specific to the channel. It also allows members to create Quick-Events to share with other channel members.

  • Polls - This allows channel members to create their simple Polls to share with other channel members.

  • Meets -We have not activated this feature as it is not applicable to us.

Direct Messaging and Notifications

  • Direct Messaging - Once members have opted in to receive direct messages, members can message each other through the app. They can also create ad hoc groups and message multiple people. Members can opt in and opt out of a group, report inappropriate messages, and block people from whom they don't want to receive messages.

  • In-App Notifications - Through the website, administrators can send mobile Notifications directly to members using the app. This is similar to emailing and text messaging. Members will also automatically receive device notifications when new direct messages have been received or when they have missed messages in chat channels.

Notification Centre - The member notification centre allows members to view their full history of notifications. Members receive notifications for direct messaging requests, unread messages, general club notifications, and unread chat messages.

Event Hosts
Event hosts with admin privileges can use the app to send out notifications about events to selected groups, similar to what they do when sending event emails.


An event specific chat can also be set up for registrants of an event with only a few clicks of a mouse through the Event basic information screen.
In the Admin panels of the Event, go to Basic Info, click on the pencil icon, and go to 'Use  a mobile Channel.'

Other in App Notifications can be sent as well using the Control Panel, Communications tab.
